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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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will your custom code still work even if i dont use the shoutbox?  its loaded but disabled.



Quote from: Rodeni on May 14, 2009, 08:24:43 AM
I have installed Ajax Chat and I could enter it normally as admin but members told me that they cant enter chat becouse it said to the that their username is incorrect. Please help fast.

If you installed the Mod via the Package Manager then they shouldn't have to be log in, it will just log them in automatically


Quote from: TashaElizabeth on May 14, 2009, 11:20:51 AM

will your custom code still work even if i dont use the shoutbox?  its loaded but disabled.


Yes it will, in your case all it will do is add some smilies to the chatroom and make them pop up.

If you don't plan on using the shoutbox then you bypass the following.

Don't do the index.template edit
Don't upload the shoutbox.html
Dont' upload the shoutbox.css

Enjoy ;)


Oh i think i know what to do, do i have to make the edit in subs.php for the ''chat'' button of target -blank to make it pop up in a pop up? And if thats is what would i have to do with the chat code to make it popup 800 by 600

'chat' => array(
'title' => $txt['chat'],
'href' => str_replace("index.php", "chat/index.php", $scripturl),
'show' => true,
'sub_buttons' => array(


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 14, 2009, 11:29:20 AM
Quote from: TashaElizabeth on May 14, 2009, 11:20:51 AM

will your custom code still work even if i dont use the shoutbox?  its loaded but disabled.


Yes it will, in your case all it will do is add some smilies to the chatroom and make them pop up.

If you don't plan on using the shoutbox then you bypass the following.

Don't do the index.template edit
Don't upload the shoutbox.html
Dont' upload the shoutbox.css

Enjoy ;)

ok, my chat is now completely DOWN.

i cant see anything but a blank chatroom now.....

ok, what code changes was in the positions.css and loggedin.html

which i foolishly overwrote and didnt backup


Try setting the file permissions to those files to 755.

If that doesn't work can get the original files from the package itself that you downloaded when you got the Mod.

Not sure why it didn't work for you, I have tested it many times on SMF 1.1.8 and RC1 and have done the edits for a few SMF members sites and it has never failed.

Let me know how it goes. If need be I can get it going for you,  PM if you need help.


Okay, I've tried to install this on a freshly new smf everything pretty much worked however the chat doesn't server is orange.

I'm using wamp to use my own connection/computer as a host. Is there something I need to turn on to make work correctly?


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 15, 2009, 01:10:57 AM
Try setting the file permissions to those files to 755.

If that doesn't work can get the original files from the package itself that you downloaded when you got the Mod.

Not sure why it didn't work for you, I have tested it many times on SMF 1.1.8 and RC1 and have done the edits for a few SMF members sites and it has never failed.

Let me know how it goes. If need be I can get it going for you,  PM if you need help.

i had to delete chat and totally reinstall, and make all the changes i had done before. 

nobody could log on, and it was like it went just so far and stopped.  i could see the popup box, but couldnt see the smilies


man i do this and my members can erase they messages i really need help in this man becuse i dont know which other chat i can use for smf

Quote from: deZio on March 17, 2009, 01:55:03 PM
Quote from: Lotti on March 16, 2009, 07:42:14 PM
Quote from: deZio on March 16, 2009, 03:47:32 PM
Quote from: fotografo74 on March 10, 2009, 01:49:39 PM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on March 10, 2009, 11:45:16 AM
Not sure if I understood the problem 100% but...

The permission settings should be in Admin/Members/Permissions/ select the group you want to have permissions and check "Access to chat" in the General Category.

Anyone who has Admin or Moderator rights on your forum should automatically have Moderator rights in the Chat.

If you're saying that you don't have the "Access to chat" checkbox in your permission settings then, hmmmm, are you using a custom theme?
Thanks for your support and sorry for my poor english :-(
I have selected right permission, sure, and regular members, admin and moderators have access to chat, it's ok.
But regular members can delete post of other regular's ok this ?
I.e: i'm regular member and i access to chat...i write are regular member and you can delete my message!!!

Any solution for this? I have same problem on my forum(2.0 RC1)
Same here, on 1.1.8
I find out a solution!  :D
Open CustomAJAXChat.php and make this changes:
$userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN;
// $context['user']['is_mod'] is always false if no board is loaded.
// As a workaround we check the permission 'calendar_post'.
// This is only set to true for global moderators by default:
elseif(in_array('calendar_post', $user_info['permissions']))
$userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_MODERATOR;
$userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_USER;

Replace with:
$userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN;
$userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_USER;


Is there a limitation to the number of people in the chat room? It looks like mine is locking up at about 50 people. Not sure what the problem is. Is this a program limitation, or is it a bandwidth thing?


@ biohazardjoker, yes that was explained here in the FAQ's

~AJAX Chat Intergration FAQ's & Tips-N-Tricks~

"If your regular members can delete posts in the Chat and Shout it's because you allow them to post Event in your Calendar, the fix for it is HERE"


@ TashaElizabeth

If you would like some help PM me and I will get it going for you. I have some long hrs then next cpl days but will be willing to help on next days off


Quote from: captphilspeople on May 15, 2009, 11:04:26 PM
Is there a limitation to the number of people in the chat room? It looks like mine is locking up at about 50 people. Not sure what the problem is. Is this a program limitation, or is it a bandwidth thing?

If you look @ Sourcforge it is suggested that the max users is no more than 100....but that will also depend on your host as well.


Quote from: soulofevil on May 15, 2009, 05:08:27 AM
Okay, I've tried to install this on a freshly new smf everything pretty much worked however the chat doesn't server is orange.

I'm using wamp to use my own connection/computer as a host. Is there something I need to turn on to make work correctly?

Is it workin at all? If not have your tried some of the fixes for the known issues here......?
~AJAX Chat Intergration FAQ's & Tips-N-Tricks~


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 16, 2009, 12:24:43 AM
Quote from: captphilspeople on May 15, 2009, 11:04:26 PM
Is there a limitation to the number of people in the chat room? It looks like mine is locking up at about 50 people. Not sure what the problem is. Is this a program limitation, or is it a bandwidth thing?

If you look @ Sourcforge it is suggested that the max users is no more than 100....but that will also depend on your host as well. it's "suggested"...what does that mean really? Is there a limit or isnt there? Yes or no is really a black and white thing.

Also I dont have 100...I have 50. So whats the problem?


hi i still have trouble with making the chat button popup, when i tried to edit the subs.php and added a target blank to the chat , it made it go into another tab in firefox , i was wondering what i have to do to make it pop up as i said before i have made all the edits and enabled persmissions chat in popup


Quote from: captphilspeople on May 15, 2009, 11:04:26 PM it's "suggested"...what does that mean really? Is there a limit or isnt there? Yes or no is really a black and white thing.

Also I dont have 100...I have 50. So whats the problem?

Here's the problem, you really excpet an answer when you talk like that? My repsonse was primarily to make sure you got a reply and it was what came to the top of my head after being @ work for 14hrs.

As you can see I don't mind helping people out the best I can but unfortunately it appears that if I did all the digging around to find the answer for you and gave you an snswer you didn't like then I might get a smart @%$ reply again.

I gave you the site where can read through the documentation to get info on the capabilities of the Chat. You can take it from there.


Hey bluesinjid post up your index.template file again

I'll play around with again when I get a few minutes, I'm off to work soon so will probably be in the morn.


ok here it is and why not include my subs.php :)


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 16, 2009, 10:12:50 AM
Quote from: captphilspeople on May 15, 2009, 11:04:26 PM it's "suggested"...what does that mean really? Is there a limit or isnt there? Yes or no is really a black and white thing.

Also I dont have 100...I have 50. So whats the problem?

Here's the problem, you really excpet an answer when you talk like that? My repsonse was primarily to make sure you got a reply and it was what came to the top of my head after being @ work for 14hrs.

As you can see I don't mind helping people out the best I can but unfortunately it appears that if I did all the digging around to find the answer for you and gave you an snswer you didn't like then I might get a smart @%$ reply again.

I gave you the site where can read through the documentation to get info on the capabilities of the Chat. You can take it from there.

yeah...well I thought your reply was smart ass. Why bother replying, and then not answering the question? You were ambiguous in your answer and really didnt tell me anything. If the documentation gave a clear answer...I wouldnt be here looking for help...would I? If you dont really know, then you could just say that you dont really know... And like I said...I didnt have 100, I had 50. Later, we had 13 and the same thing was happening and never happened before.

So yeah, I was irritated. Why reply and not answer the question. I see this so often in tehc support in the retail software world too. Its a plague. How hard is it to listen or read a question and anser it clearly? You told me nothing definitive or useful at all.

So if you took your car to a machanic and asked him what was wrong, nad he might be something under the hood. How would you feel?
