AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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I haven't actually added the shoutbox part to my board yet  because I am using a custom theme.
Also I had to change to the default theme in order to apply those settings.

Which files to I need to manually modify for a custom theme? (Including admin cp)

Also, the logout feature doesn't want to work. When I click logout, it just reloads the page..?


@ BinaryNinja this should help you get started and get this going on your custom theme.

~AJAX Chat Intergration FAQ's & Tips-N-Tricks~


with this mod installed my site has problems with people logging on and when they post or click they get logged out ??? when the mod is removed smf works fine ???
any help here ??


nevermind, got it working


Chit-Chat ChatterBox Boss

Just was wondering how this stuff was coming along?
Ok sounds good I will wait for you to figure it out later ...

SunKing and I had a question as far as the censor goes. His chat is integrated while mine is not. With the censor setup in both shoutbox and chat files his works in the chat but not in the shoutbox(with integrated chat/shoutbox). While mine works in the shoutbox but not in the chat (with non-integrated shoutbox/chat). Didn't know if you could play with this also and see where the problem was.
Chit-Chat ChatterBox

Our site is open to everyone. It is a resource for anyone and everyone to talk about anything and everything you could possibly think of. It's a great place to come and talk, ask questions, or just simply hang out. We offer many great features. All we ask is that you follow by the site rules. Hope to see you around!
Remember in the "Referral" box to put "Caleb" while registering.


Quote from: rmcworking on May 28, 2009, 11:17:24 AM
with this mod installed my site has problems with people logging on and when they post or click they get logged out ??? when the mod is removed smf works fine ???
any help here ??

You mean they are getting logged out of the forum or just the chat?


Is there a way to show users in shoutbox?


Quote from: BinaryNinja on May 29, 2009, 06:23:46 AM
Is there a way to show users in shoutbox?

I second this question and add another: is it possible to have the same "controls" as in chat (like turning on / off the sound and so on)?


I may have missed this somewhere in the 108 pages of this thread, but I tried to install on RC1-1 and got this error:

The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

I downloaded it from the SMF mod site 3 times.  Is there another place to download it, or am I trying to add it to a version that won't be compatible?

Your assistance is truly appreciated.


@ BinaryNinja & Paracelsus
If you have the Shout and Chat Intergrated then when users are even in the shout is will show them in the Chat Users list. As for the sound setting at this time there is not any controls for the sound in the shoutbox. You can disable it though in the config files though.

@ darth_dionysus You can ust this one


Newbie question that MUST have been answered before.  I installed this mod using the smf package installation feature (I'm on 1.1.8), I've looked at all of the files that were supposed to be modded and they were.  I am using the default theme, but for some reason I don't see any of the features anywhere.  my "features and Options" list has nothing on it re: chat:

Basic Features
Poll mode  Disable polls Enable polls Show existing polls as topics 


Allow guests to browse the forum   
Enable user-selectable language support   
Allow users to edit their displayed name?   
Allow non-administrators to hide their online status?   
Allow users to hide their email from everyone except admins?   
Do not reveal contact details of members to guests   
Enable custom titles   
Enable buddy lists   
Default personal text   
Maximum allowed characters in signatures
(0 for no max.)   


Default time format   
Default number format  1234.00 1,234.00 1.234,00 1 234,00 1234,00 
Overall time offset
(added to the member specific option.)   
Failed login threshold   
User online time threshold   
Track daily statistics   
Track daily page views (must have stats enabled)   
Enable error logging   
Disable administration security   


Require reactivation after email change   
Require admin approval when member deletes account   


Allow users to disable announcements   
Don't allow post text in notifications?   
Log moderation actions   
Search engine friendly URLs
Apache only!   


Max width of posted pictures (0 = disable)   
Max height of posted pictures (0 = disable)   


Enable reporting of personal messages   
Maximum number of recipients allowed in a personal message.
(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)   
Post count under which users must enter code when sending personal messages.
(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)   
Number of personal messages a user may send in an hour.
(0 for no limit, moderators are exempt)   

WHat did I do wrong here?


@ darth....yvw

@ scruffeone
Do you see some check boxes that don't have text next to them?
The Setting are under Admin/Features and Options/Basic


Hey mrtc,

Everything is working just great.  I have a few questions that I know you will be able to help me with.

-In the main login screen of the Ajax Chat Room, what file do I change so that I can have it say...."Victory Church on the Rock Chat Room" instead of just "Ajax Chat"
-What is the difference between Inactive and Timed Out?
-Where on the Chat Template can I put somewhere that says, "Please Logout Before Leaving"?  what I am finding is that it says they are online, but they're not, and then I am chatting
with them and then it says "xxxx has been logged out (Timeout)."
-how do you use QUOTE properly?

Yes...that's all.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 27, 2009, 10:28:37 PM

Be sure to check this out for some great customization tweaks and post back if you need any help
~AJAX Chat Intergration FAQ's & Tips-N-Tricks~


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 29, 2009, 01:18:04 PM
@ darth....yvw

@ scruffeone
Do you see some check boxes that don't have text next to them?
The Setting are under Admin/Features and Options/Basic

Yes, there are 6 of them under basic features


@ Victory
To alter the Header look at this http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1982688&forum_id=774132

Inactive= idle users Timedout= they are kicked from chat after they are idle for so long. By default it's set to 2 minutes. You can change that in the FAQ's link

Also in the FAQ's you can creat a welcome message and just say something like "Welcome to Victory Chat. Enjoy you stay and please log out before leaving." Or you can try messing with this http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=136726&group_id=214758 to deal with members who haven't logged out. I never played with it so not sure exaclty how it works.

The quote as well as all other BBC Codes work the same way as they do on SMF.

[quote]This is a test quote[/quote]

Would result in this
QuoteThis is a test quote

Hope that helps.


Quote from: scruffeone on May 29, 2009, 01:48:03 PM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 29, 2009, 01:18:04 PM
@ darth....yvw

@ scruffeone
Do you see some check boxes that don't have text next to them?
The Setting are under Admin/Features and Options/Basic

Yes, there are 6 of them under basic features

You're missing the language strings....this should help


This is the contents of the Modifications.english.php file located at the forums\Themes\default\languages directory:

/ Version: 1.1; Modifications

//Begin AjaxChat Integration
$txt['chat'] = 'Chat';
$txt['shoutBox'] = 'ShoutBox';
$txt['chat_aUser'] = ' user is in chat';
$txt['chat_users'] = ' users are in chat:';
$txt['chat_no_user'] = 'No user is in chat.';
$txt['enableShoutBox'] = 'Enable the ShoutBox?';
$txt['enableChatButtonNo'] = 'Enable online chat users numbering on chat button?';
$txt['enableChatBelowPM'] = 'Show online users below total logged in time section?';
$txt['anyPageShoutBox'] = 'Check for ShoutBox on any page or uncheck for only in index page:';
$txt['chatPopUp'] = 'Chat in popup page?';
$txt['miniChat'] = 'Integrate shout box and chat room?';
$txt['permissionname_chat_access'] = 'Access to chat';
$txt['permissionhelp_chat_access'] = 'Users can use the chat or can\'t.';
$txt['permissionname_shout_access'] = 'Use shoutBox';
$txt['permissionhelp_shout_access'] = 'Give access to use the shoutBox';
$txt['permissiongroup_chat'] = 'Chat';
//End AjaxChat Integration

Is it just not able to read the file?


@ mrtc,

The thing that worked was altering the title, which was more important to me that the welcome message, which did not work.

As for quotes, I tried it, but it doesn't add the persons name, is it supposed to.

Thanks again!

Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 29, 2009, 01:53:46 PM
@ Victory
To alter the Header look at this http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1982688&forum_id=774132

Inactive= idle users Timedout= they are kicked from chat after they are idle for so long. By default it's set to 2 minutes. You can change that in the FAQ's link

Also in the FAQ's you can creat a welcome message and just say something like "Welcome to Victory Chat. Enjoy you stay and please log out before leaving." Or you can try messing with this http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=136726&group_id=214758 to deal with members who haven't logged out. I never played with it so not sure exaclty how it works.

The quote as well as all other BBC Codes work the same way as they do on SMF.

[quote]This is a test quote[/quote]

Would result in this
QuoteThis is a test quote

Hope that helps.
