AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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That does make sense. I just want to limit chat access to registered users so as not to overload anything. If it goes the way I hope it will, I may have to create an IRC channel and limit the chat to specific purposes - but that is some time away.

Quote from: Farjo on August 18, 2011, 06:19:24 PM
You found it, nice one.

As for the default, I assume it's because AjaxChat (on which this mod is based) by default allows guest access.


audiodef, having too may members is a nice problem to have!

nw, so that just leaves the blank screen? From what you say you have it set up correctly so the below are just stabs in the dark I'm afraid.

What browser are you using, and what errors are displayed when you use a different one?

Does your server use PHP5.3.1?

In chat/lib/config.php do you have this line?:
$config['socketServerEnabled'] = false;


Also nw, have you changed the channel list in config.php? If so check this:

QuoteIf you limit the number of available channels you must make sure that the default channel ID is included.

If you want to use the following:


// Defines an array of channelIDs (e.g. array(0, 1)) to limit the number of available channels, will be ignored if set to null:

$config['limitChannelList'] = array(142,163,75,80,180,224,288,228,223,143,271);


You have to set the defaultChannelID to one of those ID's:


// ChannelID used when no channel is given:

$config['defaultChannelID'] = 142;



I just noticed that while I can hide the chat link from unregistered users, unregistered users can still use AJAX Chat by going directly to the chat URL. I'd like to prevent this. How should I do that?


That's in the lib/config.php file:
$config['allowGuestLogins'] = true;
(change to false, obviously!)

Guests can still go to the chat address but they are presented with a login window.


I just found that and changed that setting, but something weird is happening, and it happens regardless of whether I'm logged into my SMF boards.

If I log in to chat with my SMF admin handle, it logs me in with or without a password, and regardless of what password I use. If I try to log in to chat with any other handle without a password, it logs me in as my SMF admin handle. If I try to log into chat with any other handle and a password, it simply fails.

How do I get chat to authenticate SMF registered users only?


Some cookie issue? Either delete the SMF cookie or try a browser on which you haven't logged in as admin.

Or maybe cache??

You did load the package from this site, not ajaxchat direct???


Tried it on another machine, got the same problem, but I wasn't thinking clearly when I did that, since I logged into SMF first, then logged out to try a non-existent user.

But if do it the right way by deleting the SMF cookies and then attempting to log in to the chat URL directly with invalid credentials BEFORE trying valid ones, it takes me back to the SMF login page.

So it works! Thanks, Farjo, I appreciate the help.



Urg, I just can't seem to integrate chat into my forum's template. Has anyone managed to do this on 2.0 Gold and a Curve Varient? I tried using the method danielwmoore proposed but the chat page is still separate from the forum.
Check out my new website, MyAnimeClub.net. I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.



Sorry, my forum is going a little cookoo at the moment. My admin center keeps telling me that my current SMF version is 2.0 and that the latest version is 1.1.14. Well, I logged out, and logged back in, refreshed a few times, and now the chat page looks like it's supposed to, however it still isn't how I want it to be.

The url is http://theanimeclub.co.za
Check out my new website, MyAnimeClub.net. I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.


Aha. It's portamx's SEF urls that's causing the problem. I just switched SEF off, and now chat is working exactly how it should.
Check out my new website, MyAnimeClub.net. I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.


Do you have anything to do with chat if you go to admin > configuration > modification settings.


Ya may have to mention this on their forum.

Btw your forum is the only one I know of where guests can use the shout.

Not a good idea due to spammers.


Quote from: Brack1 on August 19, 2011, 09:27:49 PM
Do you have anything to do with chat if you go to admin > configuration > modification settings.

Huh? I only have Show online users below total logged in time section? enabled.

Mm, now how to I get Chat to work with SEF. I could add chat to the list of actions to ignore in the SEF feature, but that's like giving up. I want to find out what's causing the incompatibility.

Quote from: Brack1 on August 19, 2011, 09:30:44 PM
Ya may have to mention this on their forum.

Btw your forum is the only one I know of where guests can use the shout.

Not a good idea due to spammers.

Yeah, I read a post somewhere in this topic where you need to alter the "show" bit of the Chat button. I just gotta find the post.
Check out my new website, MyAnimeClub.net. I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.


In the section I mentioned was there a checkbox which enables the chat to appear in a poup instead of the whole page?


Check out my new website, MyAnimeClub.net. I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.



Mm, I'll give it some consideration.

Alight, how do I move the shoutbox's collapse button to the right, like my other forum collapse buttons?

Here's the code:

if (!empty($modSettings['anyPageShoutBox']) || isset($context['chat_isHome'])){
<h3 class="catbg" class="catbg centertext"><span class="left"></span>
<span class="floatleft"><a name="ajax_shoutbox" rel="noindex" href="#ajax_shoutbox" onclick="ajax_shoutBox_collapse(!sb_current_header)"><img id="ajax_shoutbox_collapse" src="', $settings['images_url'], empty($options['sb_collapsed']) ? '/collapse.gif' : '/expand.gif','" alt="*" style="margin-right: 10px;"  /></a>', $txt['shoutBox'], '
<span class="floatright"><a href="https://blueimp.net/ajax/"><font size="1">AJAX Chat</font></a><font size="1"> &copy; <a href="https://blueimp.net">blueimp.net</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; </font> <a href="http://4tmu.ir/forum/index.php"><font size="1">Integrated with SMF</font></span></a>
<div id="ShoutBox"', empty($options['sb_collapsed']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>
<span class="upperframe" style="height:18px;"><span>&nbsp;</span></span>
<div class="roundframe"><div style="margin:-5px;">
', getShoutBoxContent() ,'
<span class="lowerframe"><span>&nbsp;</span></span>
</div><br class="clear" />';
Check out my new website, MyAnimeClub.net. I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.
