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PM Auto Responder

Started by Nibogo, July 13, 2010, 05:23:38 PM

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Nice mod, thanks a lot!
I've been searching for an auto responder mod for several days now, found a few which were for SMF 1.x only, one which claimed to be compatible with SMF 2.x but in fact it did nothing, and this one which unfortunately is limited to SMF 2.0 only due to package-info.xml settings.
I gave it a try and changed the compatibility setting from "2.0" to "2.0 - 2.99.99", installed it and it works perfectly on my SMF 2.0.7.

Thought I'd share it here if someone likes to benefit from this too.

Best regards - Mike

[Mod edit: Don't redistribute this without explicit written permission from the author - lve627]


And you didn't even need to touch the package file, the version emulate feature in admin would have let you install it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


This doesn't work on my 2.0.11 system - i can't save the autoresponder's message.

any ideas ?
The configuration of my Linux VPS (SMF 2.0 with 160+ mods & some assorted manual tweaks) can be found here and notes on my mods can be found here (warning: those links will take you to a drug related forum). My (House) music DJ dedication page is here


Did just install this on 2.0.15 (with emulation for 2.0) and the mod works without a problem (both saving and sending).


Quote from: Nibogo on January 31, 2018, 09:52:22 AM
1.0.2 released adding compatibility with the entire 2.0 branch

Thanks for the update.

Just uninstalled the old one (again, with emulation, of course) and installed the new one (without emulation, not needed anymore), and it all works like a charm.

Thank you for still supporting this package!  :D


i removed PM Autoresponder Lite as i got these two confused.

it is working now after manual edits to get it to fit (other mod conflict)

works well.
The configuration of my Linux VPS (SMF 2.0 with 160+ mods & some assorted manual tweaks) can be found here and notes on my mods can be found here (warning: those links will take you to a drug related forum). My (House) music DJ dedication page is here
