General support topic for Aeva Media (Latest release: July 28, 2010)

Started by Nao 尚, October 14, 2007, 04:28:15 PM

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Nao 尚

The converter was written for SGP 1.9 IIRC, maybe vbgamer made changes to the database structure and conversion can't be completed correctly.
I'm running out of ideas...
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Nao, I did uninstall the previous version of SMG.  I know I did not "delete" it though.  Do you think that was it?  When you're in your packages screen and uninstall, is that not enough?  The instructions did not say Delete so I didn't.  This is my test site thankfully, I understand you are not responsible.  But, I would appreciate understanding if it was due to not deleting the mod and only uninstalling.

Also if anyone has suggestions on where to find out how to manually uninstall when your Admin menu is completely inaccessible.  Thanks.

Nao 尚

Quote from: spaceboy on February 09, 2010, 09:40:49 AM
Nao, I did uninstall the previous version of SMG.  I know I did not "delete" it though.  Do you think that was it?
No. "Delete" actually deletes the package file from your server, but does not uninstall it. I agree it's something SMF has always handled in a strange manner. It should offer to delete the package at uninstall time, for instance.

What happened, is that you didn't uninstall it in a previous upgrade (SMG to SMG). That is, your code featured SMG blocks twice. That's why you need to uninstall it manually. Switching to Aeva Media changes the name of the duplicate file. Since it's no longer replaced by the new install, the old file stays there, is still loaded and therefore generates the error.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Thanks for the quick response.  :)

So even though there was only one instance of SMG in my packages, the code was featured twice due to an upgrade?  To prevent this I should have uninstalled SMG prior to upgrading it the last time?  Is that standard to uninstall a mod before an upgrade?

Any advice on how to manually uninstall?  I followed the link in the Aeva FAQ to here  but it seems to cover only manual install, and isn't really clear.



Quote from: Nao on February 09, 2010, 04:05:48 AM
Filipina, I just checked my mail and saw you made me a donation -- thanks a lot :)
I don't just "accept" donations that are higher than the amount of a copy of Foxy!, though, without at least giving a copy of it. Could you please make yourself an account at so I can give you access to the Foxy! board?

Ok i will make one, promise. I will try and do it tonight. When you provide something for free, whether it be Aeva Media or a free social networking site, it always helps to have a few people support these efforts.

As far as the order of Albums if you can find a simple way to have them appear Newest first some day that would be great, if not then no sweat. I took your advice and put two albums per line which looks a lot cleaner. Take care. 


Quote from: Nao on February 09, 2010, 03:27:41 AM
@saks> In your post?
:D Sorry!
How can I  display last files of gallery in other places of my site? For example on the main page...


Nao: Is it possible to disable the automatic play of audio files uploaded in AV? :)
For example: I've uploaded an ogg file.. when I visit the topic where I call it, it automatically starts.
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Nao 尚

@saks> There are examples pretty much in every topic you could think of, really... Even by reading the changelog you can find it ;)

@Lorenzo> If it autostarts, then it can't be helped. I make a point to disable autostart whenever possible. I know it's not possible for WMV files, for instance... But Ogg, I don't really remember.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Simplemachines Cowboy

Quote from: Nao on February 09, 2010, 03:27:41 AM
Honestly, I was wondering whether I should lose sleep over the fact that I haven't sold a single copy of Foxy! in the 3 days since I cut its price in half to celebrate the release of AM1.

It might help folks (including me) make a decision on purchasing Foxy! if one knew what the price was prior to creating an account at Noisen.
My SMF forum: The Open Range

Nao 尚

@spaceboy> Yes, it is standard procedure to uninstall a mod before upgrading it. 99% of all mods don't support an actual "upgrade" path. It's clearly indicated in the readme that shows up just before you install, you know...
Manual uninstall is like manual install, only reversed.

@Filipina> I'll implement the sorting in the future -- it's just that I'm currently busy.

@Cowboy> Well, it's clearly indicated in the official mod page ;) "Half price"... It says it ;)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Simplemachines Cowboy

I had been looking at the Noisen site.
I never bother to read anything on the mod site - I just download the latest & greatest mod & install it... ;)
My SMF forum: The Open Range

Nao 尚

Lol, you mean adding text in an unusual red color was useless? ;)

I also announced it right in the same post where I announced AM1's release...
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Quote from: Nao on February 09, 2010, 03:27:41 AM
@Nibogo> There ARE a lot of changes, thank you very much... I would expect a fellow mod author to at least notice. :P What else should I do? Add a giant AM logo in the middle of all pictures? ;) As for the feature, I'm not sure. Maybe if more people ask for it. Don't forget it's not needed... Use the [noembed] tags where wanted.

I know that we can use the [noembed] the problem is that the new users doesn't know it, that is why I thought that a more "visible" option to disable embedding would be a nice idea. or maybe add the [noembed] tag to the BBC section of the Help Page but let be honest, the 99% of the new users doesn't read the Help Sections.

About the AM Giant Logo would be a nice idea in case that you want of no one use this mod (and I think of you doesn't matter if someone used or not) so go ahead :)

Again great job and I'm going to check future releases and see if there are more new useful features (Like the Quick Moderation, pretty nice idea btw)


Quote from: Nao on February 09, 2010, 01:11:00 PM
@Lorenzo> If it autostarts, then it can't be helped. I make a point to disable autostart whenever possible. I know it's not possible for WMV files, for instance... But Ogg, I don't really remember.
Ok! :)

A thing I've noticed: mp3 files don't play... I click the play button and the player remains "waiting"... maybe it's a problem of my server..? ???
RockCiclopedia (wiki - forum), Tutta la storia del rock, scritta da voi ...
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Nao, wow, looking very good and seems to be running smoothly.

Not sure if it has been discussed, specifically, but I am having problems with Simple Portal not recognizing the gallery now.  I have seen some workarounds using custom php blocks in SP, but is it something on this end that may be causing as well?




Step 2 gives the following errors, which permissions need changing?

QuoteRenaming operation failed. Please check your file permission settings.

Also rebuild of thumbnails is failing since server move, new images create thumbs but unable to rebuild.


Quote from: rgecy on February 09, 2010, 04:31:07 PM
Not sure if it has been discussed, specifically, but I am having problems with Simple Portal not recognizing the gallery now.  I have seen some workarounds using custom php blocks in SP, but is it something on this end that may be causing as well?

When SimiplePortal 2.3.1 was released back in October, Aeva Media didn't yet exist.  The next release of SimplePortal will take into account the latest version of Aeva Media.

Here's some code to get you by for now.  Display in a custom PHP block.  Fiddle with the (0, 6, 'RAND()'), false, '', 1) to change the way it looks.

function show_aeva_media_block()
   global $sourcedir;

   // Load the language file

   // Grab the file.
   if (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Aeva-Subs.php'))
      require_once($sourcedir . '/Aeva-Subs.php');
   // If it doesn't exist, tell them this and stop running.
      echo '<b>You don\'t have Aeva installed! Unable to continue!</b>';

   // Use aeva functions to show the media.
   echo aeva_listItems(aeva_getMediaItems(0, 6, 'RAND()'), false, '', 1);

// Run the function.;
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.



I went through the specific manual install instructions both for Aeva and SMF Gallery to remove the code, interestingly there was no remnant code from any SMF Gallery install.   I also removed all the Aeva code but my Admin button still doesn't work.  Now it gives a 500 Internal Server Error.

Any idea of what would need to be removed other than all Aeva code in the Parsed instructions from this link:   ?



hi all... I just installed this on my forum. When I click the media button the album section is collapsed so people dont see the galleries at first they need to click the "Albums" text which doesn't look like a link. So no one uses the gallery system and/or ask how to use it. How can I make it so the galleries in my forum will show up by default without having to click a link to make them show? Heres my gallery

Nao 尚

You forgot to update the path and URL settings, eh?

Also, really, really check your file permissions...

At this point, if step 2 is failing, you need to skip to step 3 by changing the URL manually in your address bar.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.
