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Fixed or Bogus Bugs / Re: Bug...
Last post by Kindred - Today at 12:31:50 AM
That is what I asked you in the first place...... 😜
Mod Requests / [Free] Logging Members Who Vie...
Last post by Hambo - Yesterday at 11:21:57 PM

Hi. I am currently running SMF 2.1.4 and I have used the latest SMF at the time for the years of 2017(?) with a mod/plugin where after the end of every topic, there would be a list of users who had taken a look at it if they are logged in with a date which implied "last read on.."

Example; 1 topic has been made with 3 responses from other viewers and at the bottom of that 4th post or whichever, there would either be a button that you press and it shows all the people who viewed it in a new window. Or at the very bottom listing all the users who looked at it such as..
    MEMBER A (09 - 13 - 2020), MEMBER B ( 11 - 30 - 2021 )

And if the same MEMBER A viewed it again, it would overwrite to where it would be MEMBER A ( 12 - 01 - 2021 )

I have been searching for days on the Modifications and the closest I can find are the 2.0.x ones located below but I can't fully remember which ones were the ones I used if at all. Last update or mentions of them were years ago and I get the "It has been over 120 days+.." unless I really have to warning.

Who has Read this Topic -
Topic View Log -

For Admin and Moderator use (separate ticking).
SMF 2.0.x Support / Re: Upgrading (large upgrade) ...
Last post by Sir Osis of Liver - Yesterday at 05:33:55 PM
If 2.0.17 forum is running correctly and 2.1.4 upgrade drops database connection, try upgrading to higher php version.  2.0.17 supports up to php 7.4.  Support for 8.0 was added in 2.0.19.  2.1.4 supports 8.1/8.2.  Run upgrade in 8.0, see what happens.

Fixed or Bogus Bugs / Re: Bug...
Last post by mrwiz - Yesterday at 04:55:13 PM
Here was the fix for our Token verification situation.

Thank you all who replied.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: Case Insensitive Username
Last post by vitalog2010 - Yesterday at 04:52:41 PM

Thank you for your help so far!

I've compared the original SMF 2.1.4 tables with the ones in my installation (SMF 2.1.4) and noticed some differences, particularly in the prefix_members table. Here are the differences:

Field Types:
member_ip and member_ip2:
In my table, these fields are defined as varbinary(255), while in the original SMF table, they are varbinary(16).

Nullable/Non-Nullable Fields:
In my table, the member_ip and member_ip2 fields are set to NOT NULL, but in the original SMF table, they are set to allow NULL.

Extra Differences:
The original SMF table has fewer entries for the 'Extra' field, such as AUTO_INCREMENT, which is only applied to the id_member field in both versions. My table, however, includes additional comments or entries.

Given these differences, do you recommend adjusting my tables to match the original SMF structure, or is it safe to leave them as-is? Would these discrepancies potentially cause issues in functionality or future updates?

I appreciate your advice on how to proceed.

Thank you again!

SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: favicon.ico problem
Last post by Illori - Yesterday at 12:44:26 PM
in other words, the change you made that works fine for everyone else has caused this and may cause more issues down the road. you should try to fix the main issue correctly so it does not cause more issues down the road.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: favicon.ico problem
Last post by Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen - Yesterday at 11:34:09 AM
Usually, when there's a check like that in the code, there's a reason for it too. So, likely the better solution would have been to find out why it fails, instead of simply ignoring it.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: favicon.ico problem
Last post by hatmak - Yesterday at 11:08:57 AM
Quote from: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on Yesterday at 09:52:21 AMYeah, so you know what broke it and how to fix it.

You don't fix issues by simply removing bits of code.

"You don't fix issues by simply removing bits of code."

Yes, I left the code as I removed it. But still, I found a way and solved it. So, it can also be solved by removing the code.  ;)