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@mention members

Started by Dragooon, May 02, 2014, 01:07:58 PM

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Quote from: PokémonS on April 07, 2015, 03:13:46 AM
Again, still looking for this. 'w'

In my 3 sites the Themes have bold on all the menu, so I didn't notice that it doesn't get bold as the PM does.

Anyway, the fix is really easy, in /Sources/Mentions.php:
Code (Search) Select
$menu_buttons['profile']['sub_buttons']['mentions'] = array(
'title' => $txt['mentions'] . (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']' : ''),
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=mentions',
'show' => true,
$menu_buttons['profile']['title'] .=  (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']' : '');

Code (Replace) Select
$menu_buttons['profile']['sub_buttons']['mentions'] = array(
'title' => (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? '<b>' : '') . $txt['mentions'] . (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']</b>' : ''),
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=mentions',
'show' => true,
$menu_buttons['profile']['title'] =  (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? '<b>' : '') . $txt['profile'] . (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']</b>' : '');

Quote from: Kimmie on April 11, 2015, 01:12:50 PM
Any fix for this yet? Thanks

I tested in my sites with the code I posted before, and the users that have a lot of mentions and gets paginated work well, pages 2 and so on display notifications as intended.

Just to be sure, the link of the page 2 go to something like this?

If yes, then I really don't know what's going on, I only change a little things and fix the URL but as for the query that count and display notifications I didn't touch anything.


Quote from: Gluz on April 13, 2015, 03:03:48 AM
Quote from: PokémonS on April 07, 2015, 03:13:46 AM
Again, still looking for this. 'w'

In my 3 sites the Themes have bold on all the menu, so I didn't notice that it doesn't get bold as the PM does.

Anyway, the fix is really easy, in /Sources/Mentions.php:
Code (Search) Select
$menu_buttons['profile']['sub_buttons']['mentions'] = array(
'title' => $txt['mentions'] . (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']' : ''),
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=mentions',
'show' => true,
$menu_buttons['profile']['title'] .=  (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']' : '');

Code (Replace) Select
$menu_buttons['profile']['sub_buttons']['mentions'] = array(
'title' => (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? '<b>' : '') . $txt['mentions'] . (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']</b>' : ''),
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=mentions',
'show' => true,
$menu_buttons['profile']['title'] =  (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? '<b>' : '') . $txt['profile'] . (!empty($user_settings['unread_mentions']) ? ' [' . $user_settings['unread_mentions'] . ']</b>' : '');

Quote from: Kimmie on April 11, 2015, 01:12:50 PM
Any fix for this yet? Thanks

I tested in my sites with the code I posted before, and the users that have a lot of mentions and gets paginated work well, pages 2 and so on display notifications as intended.

Just to be sure, the link of the page 2 go to something like this?

If yes, then I really don't know what's going on, I only change a little things and fix the URL but as for the query that count and display notifications I didn't touch anything.

It works perfectly! Thanks!
きみと手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
ゼロからはじめよう ほら ほら 手をつなごう
みんな手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
力を合わせよう ほら ほら 手をつなごう

Would it be possible to add a part of this MOD's code elsewhere to enable @tagging in other parts of your forum?

(e.g other mods that allow a 'posting' section. for example, ultimate profile comments.. - I have a few places that would be nice to have with work with but wondered if I could put something in my index template or something similar to allow @tagging everywhere?)

Many thanks ~ A Social Network For The #CannabisCommunity ~ Come say "High" ;)


I have a question about this mod...

Does it only have the option of email notifications, or can I also choose pop-up notifications?

Rain Forest

Quote from: Evad3 on April 22, 2015, 05:02:21 PM
I have a question about this mod...

Does it only have the option of email notifications, or can I also choose pop-up notifications?
You can copy the pop up option from Private message to pop up this mention :)


Quote from: Dragon FruitYou can copy the pop up option from Private message to pop up this mention :)
How is this done?

Rain Forest

Quote from: Evad3 on April 24, 2015, 05:31:07 AM
Quote from: Dragon FruitYou can copy the pop up option from Private message to pop up this mention :)
How is this done?
You mean the bubble I did on the picture here above?


I was wondering; Is there any chance of this being expanded to tag membergroups, by any chance?

Second Pass Weyr<br />An AU Pernse RPG<br /><br />SMF 2.0.6 with SP 2.3.5

Elizabeth II

I posted here before, I have an issue with the mentions [1] in profile not removing.. The schedule task is enabled but the
  • won't go unless I clear forum cache.. Is there not a way for them to be removed once seen?

Seems to be a great mod. Is there a possibility to mention a link User instead of it's tag @user?

So it would look nice and give other the change to look of whom is talked about. Or what to you think Mr Dragoon?

So it would look nice and give other the change to look of whom is talked about. Or what to you think Mr @Dragoon?

What about doing it without @ but simply by matching the Username? Is there a possibility to send out a email of PM if mentioned?

All wishes included! Wonderful mod!

the @ "Problem" can be fixed by just modify the html in mention.php

global $scripturl;

$bbc_tags[] = array(
'tag' => 'member',
'type' => 'unparsed_equals',
'before' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=$1" class="mention">',
'after' => '</a>',



Hi sounds very nice .
have anyone tried if work in 2.0.10 version ?



$txt['mentions'] = 'Μνημονέυσεις';
$txt['scheduled_task_removeMentions'] = 'Κατάργηση των μνημονεύσεων ';
$txt['scheduled_task_desc_removeMentions'] = 'Καταργεί αυτόματα τις μνημονεύσεις που είναι παλαιότερες από τις καθορισμένες ημέρες';

Oh yes, thanks for the indirect hint Villasg,

not sure if already exist, here formal German:

 * Language file for mentions
 * @author ******iz Garg <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2014 ******iz Garg
 * @license Simplified BSD (2-Clause) License
 * transated by sangham 6.6.2015

global $txt$context;

$txt['mentions_subject'] = 'Werte(r) MENTIONNAME, Sie wurden in einem Beitrag erwähnt: ' $context['forum_name'];
$txt['mentions_body'] = 'Werte(r) Herr/Frau MENTIONNAME!

Werte(r) Herr/Frau MEMBERNAME hatte Sie im Forum erwähnt. Um zu wissen worum es geht oder ging, können Sie dem Link POSTLINK folgen.

Metta und Mudita,
Ihr Team und die Klosterdiener des
$txt['mentions'] = 'Erwähnungen';
$txt['mentions_profile_title'] = 'Beiträge, die %s erwähnen';
$txt['mentions_post_subject'] = 'Betreff';
$txt['mentions_member'] = 'Erwähnt von';
$txt['mentions_post_time'] = 'Zeitpunkt der Erwähnung';
$txt['permissionname_mention_member'] = 'Erwähnen von Mitgliedern';
$txt['permissionhelp_mention_member'] = 'Erlauben Sie Mitgliedern andere Mitglieder anzumerken und diese Mittels dem @username Code zu benachrichtigen';
$txt['email_mentions'] = 'Bemerkung der Erwähnung via E-mail';
$txt['mentions_remove_days'] = 'Entferne Erwähnungen die älter als diese Tagesanzahl sind <div class="smalltext">Diese Option entfernt die Erwähnungen, die älter als die festgelegte Anzahl and Tagen ist. Gehen Sie sicher, daß sie den <a href="' $scripturl '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks">Aufgabenplan hier</a> aktiviert haben</div>';
$txt['mentions_email_default'] = 'Aktivieren Sie Erwähnungs-Emails als Grundeinstellung <div class="smalltext">Wählen Sie das, wenn Sie wollen, daß Neue Mitglieder E-mailnachrichten bei ihrer Erwähnung als Standard bekommen (dies gilt nur für neue Anmeldungen)</div>';
$txt['mentions_permissions_notice'] = 'Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die Berechtigungen festzulegen, um den einzelnen Mitgliedern das Erwähnen anderer zu erlauben';
$txt['mentions_email_default_now'] = 'Aktivieren Sie die Erwähnungs-E-mail für bestehende Mitglieder<div class="smalltext">Wählen Sie dies nur, wenn Sie möchten, daß bestehende Mitglieder deren E-mails aktiviert haben sollen</div>';

Not sure if this error has to do with the modification here (works perfect so far). It shows:

8: Undefined index: approved
File: /var/www/XXXX/Sources/Subs-Post.php

in the error-log and leads to this row:

mentions_process_store($msgOptions['mentions'], $msgOptions['id'], $msgOptions['subject'], $msgOptions['approved']);


How do you mention members that have a space in their name?


Thanks work great in 2.0.10


Guys, is there any possibility to turn off automatic PM when you get mentioned? Because people on forums currently get 2 mails because they get 1 PM and 1 Mention in Profile section.


Quote from: Nixis on September 14, 2015, 05:58:26 PM
Guys, is there any possibility to turn off automatic PM when you get mentioned? Because people on forums currently get 2 mails because they get 1 PM and 1 Mention in Profile section.
Have you checked the mod's options?
"It is impossible to communicate with one that does not wish to communicate"


Hi guys,

I've just started using this on my forum, and it's working great. @mentions are fine, and users are getting emails about them. However, they don't seem to be getting the "alert" (like a PM) on the actual site itself. There isn't even an option for "mentions" in my profile drop-down as you can see below:

I'm sure it's probably a problem with my theme, but any help would be appreciated.



Maybe that's because of your theme. That is nothing like the default smf menu, which is where it displays your mentions (total number like in PMs). You could try and edit that to display the mentions in there.
"It is impossible to communicate with one that does not wish to communicate"
