Started by padexx, July 18, 2006, 06:59:04 PM

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Quote from: ZenFountain on July 23, 2006, 02:28:18 PM
Hey I need some help on how to change a feature:

Catagory (General Category) with forum containing new post has the title_bg_blue.png

Catagory (General Category) with forum containing no new post has the menu_bg_blue.png background (what I want).

Any way to make it so the background for the Catagory header stays the same with or witout new post? Thansk

I'm having the same problem as above.. :(
(tried the suggested edits and i couldn't find the code which needed changing)

Any clues buddy?

Kind regards,

P.s it's an awesome skin.. also is it possible for you to let me know how to change the news colour? it's currently grey. (i'd like to change it to white but i can't find it either)

sorry! :)
I'm stuck in a time warp from the early 00's.


for the title_bg change look into the css files
and search for
/* This is used for a category that has new posts in it... to make it light up. */
and change the image

Quotehow to change the news colour?
you want to change the color of the news bar text?

again in the css files search for #newsbar and #news


Hey panic,

I've noticed in I.e That these
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Are extended quite long.

Such as
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                      By                                          post

Any clues how i can fix this?

Thank you!
I'm my own worst enemy! :P

Css Help <--Having difficulty matching the look of the code function with the style of "quote".. =)


in your language files of SMF

Joomlabridge.org SMF Bridge Support, Downloads and Joomla Video Tutorials


Anybody getting the color chooser to show up under 1.1.1?


I'm my own worst enemy! :P

Css Help <--Having difficulty matching the look of the code function with the style of "quote".. =)


can someone please translate it to french




- news fader in IE fixed


How can I update? which codes are changed?
Istanbul is Istanbul ;-)


Hi yol!

I changed several css color definitions
color: #fff;
color: #ffffff;

for the IE news fader fix the following code change in the maincolor css files should do it:
background: #000 url(.././images/headerbodies.jpg);
background-position: top left;
background-repeat: repeat-x;

background: #000000 url(.././images/headerbodies.jpg);
background-position: top left;
background-repeat: repeat-x;


but my maincolor css files (in ../theme/pdx-dk03rc3/maincolorcss directory) no contain the any news_fader codes??..
Istanbul is Istanbul ;-)


ups, wrong theme and forum :-[

I've changed most of color codes from three letters to six. I've to take a look again for the pdx theme which codes caused the IE news fader issue.


   I was trying to install the hide tag and it needed the file index.english.php in the language folder... but this theme doesnt seem to have that file. I was wondering where the BBC Button Tips are stored?


If you try to add a mod you need to add the extra language code to the Modifications.english.php file

The Wicked Flea

XHTML Validation error, I was curious and tried it, where you had two style properties in one element.  Line 407 of index.template.php should look like this: echo '<div class="nav"'$settings['linktree_inline'] ? ' style="font-size: smaller; padding-bottom: 10px;"' '''>';
Do that and it's perfectly XHTML 1.1 Transitional compliant.

Very good work, I'm using it on one of my own forums now.  Even though the content behind it is still in the works, at least I have a great looking skin. :P

Any due date for the lightened color scheme?  A member remarked that he liked it, but would prefer it a little less dark.


QuoteDo that and it's perfectly XHTML 1.1 Transitional compliant.
Thx for the tip!

QuoteAny due date for the lightened color scheme?
Will be the next theme I will release. No date in mind...

The Wicked Flea

I'm finding more XHTML validation errors, so I guess I should have checked more than the index page.  It's mostly things like duplicate ALT properties of an IMG, and "align='center'" where it should be 'middle'.  I think a quick find of 'alt=""' should find and fix all those, and same for the above.

I have to admit that the blue color is by far my favorite. :D

I made some BBCode background replacements for the theme, along the lines of the blue theme, and you can download them here.  PSD source, Photoshop 7, is included so that you can recolor the blue layer to your heart's content.  The glow is a slight animation letting it fade in over 5 frames, though it is a little slow in FF (delay of 0 per frame).  If you cannot open a 7-Zip archive then you need an updated archiver, almost all the commercial/shareware ones support it, and you can get many freeware ones that support it also.


Hello again Panic,
How can I manual (with text editor or FP) upgrade pdx-dk03 to pdx-dk07 ?
Istanbul is Istanbul ;-)


Hi yol!

03 -> 07. I am not sure I remember ALL the changes (not ducumented well, shame on me!):-[
Am I right you have a highly moded/customized version of the theme running?

Maybe you could wait a little more. A new/rewritten (from scratch) version of the theme is in the works.

Main feature will be: light background available.
Also this version will contain less theme and smaller css files.


Yes friend, you right :) I highly modified your brillant theme. Of course, i can wait your news...
thank you very much  
Istanbul is Istanbul ;-)
