General support topic for Aeva Media (Latest release: July 28, 2010)

Started by Nao 尚, October 14, 2007, 04:28:15 PM

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What does this error mean?

      The Flash upload module sent the following error.

      Error type: uploadError
      Error ID: file0

      Error message: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2049: Security sandbox violation: cannot upload data to;sa=mass;album=4;xml;upcook=YTo0OntpOjA7czoxOiIxIjtpOjE7czo0MDoiOGExYTU4ZDkxMGMyZmMwY2NkNzJmOTRkMWFkMTI2NTEyNTNkY2ZjYyI7aToyO2k6MTQ1MjEyMDY1MjtpOjM7aTowO30%3D."]

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any solution? should i manually install it?

Nao 尚

Bring your problem to the general issues board for SMF. (And post the new link here if you want me to follow the discussion.)

Or send me your FTP details & an admin account and I'll try to have a look.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Thanks for the reply... Well, I guess I'll have to try it again. If all else fails then, maybe this mod isn't for me :(. But two thumbs up to you! You've got a great mod :)

Nao 尚

I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Nao 尚

I just checked the quota section, and the regular members count is always set to 0. I don't know why (I didn't program that section). I'll make sure that in Alpha 3, it will reflect the actual number of members without a primary group. Thanks for pointing it out.

Edit -- the regular members section in Permissions is also wrong -- here, it shows ALL members, including those who are not regular members...
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Is there a work around so I can get the new albums in place?

Nao 尚

clothahump, this one is for you! ;)

SVN rev 139

! Rewrote Permission and Quota profile pages to show the correct number of users for all groups (excluding non-activated members), and fix various little issues. (Aeva-Admin.php)
* Optimized aeva_db_filter_columns() function. (Aeva-Subs-Vital.php)
+ In SMF2, show links to group lists in Permission and Quota profile pages. In SMF1, fix a validation issue (orphan anchor tag). (Aeva.template.php)
* Renamed 'Default' profile name to 'Default profile', in order to differentiate it from the 'Default' profiles built by the upgrade script. Should only help tech support, really, but it's already a lot. (Aeva.english.php)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Thanks Nao, where do I grab it from?

Nao 尚

Quote from: Arantor on January 07, 2010, 05:49:07 PM
Nao: Good idea, as a change to db_create_table and db_add_column. I'd even suggest adding that on Mantis as a bug actually.
Done, thanks.

@Others> Will attempt to reply all your posts today... I'm planning to release Alpha 3, though, so I'll put priority on work rather than support.

(Vyache, I replied your question on smf-media.)

(eg208, what's your problem exactly??)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


I can't save regular members quota. I set quota for regular members to image file 2000. audio, video and document file to 0. and than Iam login with my dummy member but the quota still 1024 on image, audio, video and document.

And On Membergroup quota profile : "Default" page, regular members is 0,


Quote from: Naolington on January 07, 2010, 12:07:45 PM
So, what I can do:
- Fix the problem... (Can't, wouldn't, won't...)
- Add an aeva_utf2entities() call to the title as well. This is what I'll do.
In the meantime, it would be nice if you could find out whether there are other places/fields that don't seem to like UTF either. Additionally, could you try editing an item to insert your data in it, and then re-edit it, and instead of submitting, just right-click + View Source and search for name="title" and tell me what's in the 'value' field just before that? Does it show plain Greek characters, or unreadable characters, or numeric entities? (Numeric entities = ӒŁ etc.)


I have not much time right now but i will try to find other fields that don't like UTF8.

But I have done the trick with the edit and "view source" name="title" and it gave this:
<td class="windowbg2"><input type="text" value="??? ?????????" name="title" tabindex="1" size="50" />

As you see the characters are question marks.


I have just installed Aeva Media 1.0 Alpha2

It installs fine - I had previously removed SMF Gallery and Aeva.

As soon as I leave the admin section after set up, when I return to Admin the Aeva Menu is missing.

Any thoughts on this would be helpful. I have searched for this problem.


a bug for latest Aeva on rc2

:'(  smile wont parse in a post with image or Aeva link
every other smile works

Nao 尚

Well- from the SVN server! Read the Aeva Media topic's last page for a reminder...
Or wait for Alpha 3.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Installed SVN, I am now able to upload to all albums under my name, this however means the other admins and moderators are unable to create new albums as they could with SMG, is there any way I can just go back to the old Gallery system as at least that worked as required.

Nao 尚

What do you mean? Anyone can create albums... Then they can feature them. If that's what you mean. They can even move them below your own featured albums, if they're admins.

Whatever you think, you did install Aeva Media even when it had a huge warning saying to backup your data. If you're unhappy with it, I can't help you. You did this to yourself.

(I know that 95% of SMG's users will be happy with the changes I made, actually.)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Following screenshot is me logged in as Competition Manager, I am unable to add sub albums to Competition albums as I do not own them.
I installed Aeva Media because I mistakenly thought it would add functionality (as advertised) not remove it.

I will be one of the 5% then.

Nao 尚

@mforum> Oh, can't believe I spent something like 2 hours on that crap... >_<

Aeva was buggy to begin with. Old bug I guess.
Basically, to autolink stuff, it turned &#039; into single quotes, then made its magic, and turned single quotes back into entities.
Problem is, that code was taken from SMF's autolink routine, but the original routine was made on htmlspecialchar'ed strings, while at aeva_onposting() time, whatever the case, the string is *ALWAYS* un'htmlspecialchar'ed. Meaning there are single quotes to begin with, not entities, and these single quotes begin entities at the end, when they weren't supposed to be. Because of that, when SMF will attempt to htmlspecialchar the string, it will turn &#039; into &#amp;039; and break the smiley recognition... Superb.

My fix is to simply remove the second 039 pair in the Aeva-Embed.php code. It works. But I don't know if it's not going to cause other issues.... As usual.

@leftezi> Doesn't look good... :-/

@eg208> Are you sure you first set the global quota override setting to 0? I'm guessing you've set it to 1024...
As for regular members being '0', there's already a discussion about this on another topic. I have trouble believing that this has gone unnoticed for something like a year, and then two users complain about it on the same day...

@Avail> You're saying all tables have the same collation -- but do their FIELDS have it, too? Because even if you do an ALTER TABLE ... COLLATE ..., it will not convert existing fields to the new collation. You need to either modify all fields (very tedious), or use that query instead: ALTER TABLE (all your SMF tables here) CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; (I'm saying unicode because SMF creates its own tables in utf8_general_ci by default, and then creates mod tables using the default collation, so your own default collation is probably unicode... You really need to set the collation to the default one. Run SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database'; on your phpmyadmin to verify.)

@tair> Where is your problem with Russian characters? Folder names don't need to be readable... As long as AM can deal with them. It's better to have unreadable characters recognized by the DB, rather than the other way around.
The converter is written for maximum speed. If you have problems on your remote server, install a local server, import your old gallery there, then upload the files and database to your server.
Mass move is in Aeva Media. Use the Check All button at the bottom of any album page... Then 'Move'.

PS to moderators: please tell me when you approve messages right before/after I posted... It's very likely I won't see them otherwise. I discovered unread messages while reading through the backlog of messages here.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


It seems I have a back up of SMG version 2 in the DB, can I use that instead?
