General support topic for Aeva Media (Latest release: July 28, 2010)

Started by Nao 尚, October 14, 2007, 04:28:15 PM

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Quote from: Nao on March 12, 2010, 06:11:48 PM
Quote from: Lord High Warlock on March 12, 2010, 03:04:46 PM
Sorry 'bout that...I hope I didn't ruin the rhododendrons.
No but you left a suspicious brown trail.
And you still owe me $50 for the cab!

Oh, right.  Um...the check's in the mail?  Yeah, that's it!  The check is in the mail!  :D :P

L Lawliet

Yeah yeah, I understand now. The video isn't embed in my signature.

Nao 尚

Aeva Media v1.1a and Old Aeva v7.0.707 are out.
Old Aeva only adds proper compatibility with RC3. AM1.1a is pretty much that, too.

Version 1.1a                                       March 12, 2010
! Fixed an incompatibility with SMF2 RC3 by removing some install
  code that was redundant for preventing embedding in signatures.
! Fixed a small undefined index error when meeting another rare error
* Slightly reworked filestack template to my own taste

@The Brain> I suppose this is related to your browser not having Javascript enabled on that page. This is what it looks like when using the contents in <noscript>, actually.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Quote from: Afro on March 11, 2010, 08:53:06 AM
Hi Nao,
i got this error while sending news letter "
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/afrowa5/public_html/Sources/Aeva-Embed.php on line 113"

forum timed out and gave the error.

anything i need to edit on the source file ?


lol's good to see you so worked up ...why dont you spend you time fixing your buggy mod. Then users wont have problems and you wont have to fix them.

i know enough about the law to know that your childish responses like i am revoking your license is not gonna affect me at all...thats if i had been using it....i would have even gone to the trouble of changing the copyright and putting my name on it...just to piss you off...

i am glad i am not using the mod..and even more happier that you are leaving...

i dont have to find curse words and curse you...i feel sad for you newayz

you can keep replying...i am not reading any more...this topic is not going i said..go spend time on your buggy mod ...or even better go to a retard clinic...u might find someone there who is like you


Despite a manual edit in sources/subs file the mod installed ok on my latest forum.

One problem is the media button shows in the admin area but not in the main menu.

Any advice will be appreciated.


Quote from: Nao on March 13, 2010, 03:56:17 AM
Do you view videos through Highslide? (your gallery is not for guests.)

test already seeing in Highslide or direct, and does not count the views. And it is free to visitors


Why not?

From where I'm standing and some discussions I've had, things are moving forward here in a good way. There's been so much BS spread that it's been hard to get past all that and down to what is actually there rather than hearsay and stuff.

Besides, SMF's been good to me. About time I contributed something back. And while some may feel the current management isn't right, the software has been.

Nao 尚

That's good, then.
You may want to reinsert the lines into your Load.php file, uninstall Aeva and reinstall the new version. (Or just don't bother when you see any warning on Load.php when uninstalling.)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

L Lawliet

I've already uninstall the old one and install the new one. :)


Quote from: Brack1 on March 13, 2010, 06:58:12 AM
Despite a manual edit in sources/subs file the mod installed ok on my latest forum.

One problem is the media button shows in the admin area but not in the main menu.

Any advice will be appreciated.

are you on a custom theme, check if the theme has its own language files.
clear your cache


Hey All,

This might be a stretch, but is there any "Help" files in existence for Aeva Media ? Something that I could plug into the Help section on the forum like below ??

I have a lot of users that are, well, less than technical and while I know it is not rocket science to use Aeva Media, this would be most helpful !


Nao 尚

Quote from: Arantor on March 13, 2010, 07:49:50 AM
Why not?

From where I'm standing and some discussions I've had, things are moving forward here in a good way.
Are they moving at all actually...?

QuoteThere's been so much BS spread that it's been hard to get past all that and down to what is actually there rather than hearsay and stuff.
Well, I always try to judge by what I've witnessed directly. I know I've never been invited to the team and I've never been given a reason for that. That's enough for me to judge, really. That, of course, and the two post-bans I received for defending my work.

QuoteBesides, SMF's been good to me. About time I contributed something back.
I don't think people who're strongly involved in the community, like you and I, should pay for a charter membership.

QuoteAnd while some may feel the current management isn't right, the software has been.
My problem with Phoenix is that it's been under "construction" for two months now... And no one has started actual coding on it. I don't want to start myself because I know it's an OO project and I'm not comfortable with creating objects (modifying them, I'm okay, but not creating them to begin with.) And apparently I'm the only one over there who's actually serious about starting by himself and then getting patches from others or even complete rewrites... Just so that it actually gets started, heck! I'd rather rewrite the thing 3 times than have to wait for one more month for the core to be "perfectly set up".
Still, it's more engaging than SMF for me right now. Not that I think the software is dead -- I just believe I could bring more to the Phoenix project, with its (attempted?!) modular design, than SMF, which is pretty much set in stone and won't move an inch. (I'm sure even SMF 2.1 will be the same story.)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Nao 尚

@tonny> no, it isn't... "Desculpa, mas você não tem permissão para acessar a galeria"

@afro> Try to disable most of the sites in the sitelist. Only keep the actual embedding sites that your users tend to use. This is what I'd recommend. If you divide the number of sites by ten, you'll also speed embedding up by a factor of ten.
Other than that -- I'm not aware that newsletters can send posts... AeMe should be disabled on them...
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Nao 尚

Quote from: Rafferty on March 10, 2010, 07:17:40 PM
Quote@Rafferty> Is Highslide disabled on your setup? Embedded videos are only counted when viewing them via Highslide. This is to avoid having two view counts when viewing through HS and then clicking the More Details link to read comments etc. I know I should make sure the view count is increased on page visit if HS is disabled, but... How can I say that... Is that really so important? Just enable HS, your users will thank you for that.

Highslide is enabled nao, I dont know whats going on
Look at your latest uploads.
The third video is from YouTube. If you click the thumbnail, it opens it in a HS popup, and the counter is incremented.
The first two vids, however, are from other sources (Facebook and Google Video), and didn't open in a HS popup, same as for the last vid, which IS from YouTube.
After some analysis, I found out that these failed videos had this in the embed url: [url]video URL[/url], which made them not work. Instead, they should either have had just the URL (without tags), or [url=video URL]video TITLE[/url]. I have no idea why this would happen, or even why it wouldn't embed. I think AeMe flagged them as not being embeds.
So I tried editing the Facebook video and simply re-pasting the embed URL, without any tags, and guess what, it correctly processed them and gave me the full version with URL tags and title. Now, though, the custom thumbnail that was set for that video disappeared. I'm guessing this is a bug and I'll have to fix it, but I don't know where to start.

So, two issues to fix:
- Thumbnail not showing up. I can't fix without access to FTP and phpMyAdmin (arg.) Will see about that later uh...
- embed URL not correctly developing for the poster, but instead working correctly when *I* do the upload.
I assume you posted these vids, so can you tell me how you posted them exactly...? I'll try to reproduce on Noisen.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Nao 尚

Okay, reproduced... The bug only happens on NEW embeds. I know where the bug happens, I just need to clean it up.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Nao 尚

Nope, no such file...

There's Akyhne's FAQ at the root of this very board. It's only for the auto-embedder, though.
And then there's, err... Google search on any issue you're having, + "Aeva Media" or "SMG".
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Nao 尚

Ahhhh, well.

- I never got moderator rights on this board, which is entirely devoted to MY work, for God's sake.
- Even after the "Future of AM" topic and its escalation, no moderator considered re-enabling post-moderation until further notice.
- I reported the topic yesterday, no action so far from the moderator team.
- Then I mentioned it 7 hours ago... No reaction.
- I left them 5 more hours to deal with calvinhobbes' latest message of insults.

So, APPARENTLY, there ARE two ways of handling reported messages here. And I'm definitely not the one who benefits from them. Or, the SMF team has decided that this would be an outlaw board or something. Everything can just happen. Quartier libre for the big bad wolves, I guess. So let's start. I know where it'll end. It's not my business: I did everything like I was supposed to. I just WILL NOT allow anyone to insult me when all I've been doing here is to provide free service for two years straight and publicly recognize I've been tired of this for many weeks now. That's what I am. I want out but it's friggin' hard, just ask Arantor.
If I get post-banned for that, then don't wait for me to come back because I hate injustice more than anything else. And this is what I've been witnessing so far. People freely insulting me with no warning whatsoever -- and me getting post-banned twice for setting things straight in my own way.

Quote from: calvinhobbes on March 13, 2010, 05:56:30 AM
lol's good to see you so worked up ...why dont you spend you time fixing your buggy mod. Then users wont have problems and you wont have to fix them.
Poor thing. Do you actually believe the crap you type?

Right now you're just a stupid troller and people who haven't contributed ****** to any community certainly can't come in and start ******ting on those who have. If you'd made the tiniest thing for us -- but nothing, nada.
Take a look at all of your sites -- they're all empty. Running empty SMF2 or vB4 boards, and one of your sites ( doesn't even show anything -- you put an install script on it, it didn't complete, and you left it as is. So, basically, you're just a beginner with an oversized ego. There's nothing wrong with humble beginnings, but you certainly don't fit the picture. You can have an ego the size you want when you prove your abilities or your willingness to help. Before that, you're just a moron.
God, I hope for IPB that they pay people to deal with the likes of you. They can afford it. SMF can't.

Quotei know enough about the law to know that your childish responses like i am revoking your license is not gonna affect me at all...
Just because you're in Mumbai or in Brisbane or hidden anywhere behind a pseudonym doesn't allow you to do everything you want. Heck, even animals have laws.
You agreed to the license when installing the mod, you got the software for free -- the least you can do is respect it and its author. If you don't, then prepare for some fun.

Same for everyone, BTW-- if you're not happy with the idea that I can revoke your license, then don't use Aeva Media. I'd rather have NO ONE use it, than have to cope with one more sick troll like this one.

Quotethats if i had been using it....i would have even gone to the trouble of changing the copyright and putting my name on it...just to piss you off...
I could sue your ass off for that.

Quotei am glad i am not using the mod..and even more happier that you are leaving...
When are YOU leaving? I thought you had switched to IPB and its gallery... Ah, let me guess... It killed you to pay $100 just for telling me you didn't need my stupid gallery system, eh? No, what am I thinking... You didn't pay $100, you haven't even paid anything yet -- actually, you registered on their boards to ask them for a cheap copy! ;D
Because after all, you're cool, and cool people deserve cheap software and free support!

Newsflash: you don't even need ANY gallery system. You're just a spoiled kid who thinks he needs to have everything because that's what he thinks capitalism is.

As for the rest of your post... Because it gets boring really... I pity you.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Quote from: Nao on March 13, 2010, 12:26:31 PM
- I never got moderator rights on this board, which is entirely devoted to MY work, for God's sake.
- Even after the "Future of AM" topic and its escalation, no moderator considered re-enabling post-moderation until further notice.
- I reported the topic yesterday, no action so far from the moderator team.
- Then I mentioned it 7 hours ago... No reaction.
- I left them 5 more hours to deal with calvinhobbes' latest message of insults.

So, APPARENTLY, there ARE two ways of handling reported messages here. And I'm definitely not the one who benefits from them. Or, the SMF team has decided that this would be an outlaw board or something. Everything can just happen. Quartier libre for the big bad wolves, I guess.

I was going to ask about that... I'm sorry to hear all of this, I've been following trying to see what it will come of it, and yes, nada, zero...
I'm pretty sure this has been suggested to you before, why don't you shut off the support here and just move everything to Noisen, wouldn't it be easier?  I was going to send you a PM with this, but heck, let everyone knows how badly this has been
