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SMF Translation FAQ

Started by bostasp, March 18, 2004, 12:10:58 PM

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SMF Translation FAQ

If you have questions, please send a message to [email protected].

In which language can I translate SMF?

You can translate SMF in every language you want, except the ones who are already done (visit the language page for more info). Please remember that you have to speak the language very well to provide the users a complete and good translation. If you're not sure whether the language is already started, take a look at the language boards and ask there.

What do I need to translate SMF?

You need the actual english language files and a text editor with UTF-8 support - for example:

A button set generator, for instance, Marco van Veelen's Button Generator.

How do I start?

After downloading on of the english language files, uncompress them in a folder on your PC. It'll look like this:

smf_1-1_english (or smf_1-1_english-utf8)
|- Themes
   |- babylon
   |  |- images
   |  |  |- english
   |  |- languages
   |- classic
   |  |- images
   |  |  |- english
   |  |- languages
   |- default
      |- images
      |  |- english
      |- languages

--> Babylon buttons
--> Babylon language files

--> Classic buttons
--> Classic language files

--> Default buttons
--> Default language files

  • Open the .php files with the text editor and translate the text between the single quotes after the equivalence sign:
    $txt['mboards_new_cat'] = 'Create new category';
    $txt['mboards_new_board'] = 'Add Board';

    Remove the comments "// Untranslated!" if you translated the string!

  • If you have to use single quotes in the strings, please use a backslash before it. Otherwise, the language file will be useless.
    $txt['smf285b'] = 'It wasn\'t necessary to optimize any tables.';

  • Please use numeric HTML Entities (look here) instead of any special character in the language strings. You don't have to use HTML Entities if you create an UTF-8 package.
$txt['sendtopic_comment'] = 'Kommentar hinzufügen';

  • You can add credits into the admin area by editing "" -> line 52 -> $txt[644]. Add "<br />" and your text after the word "functions.".

  • Don't do the following things with the language package:

    • add language strings from mods
    • add additional pictures
    • add credits other than the above mentioned
    • add text that does not one-on-one translate to the english text
    • translate comments

What files do I have to translate?

  • You've to translate all the language files and the buttons of the babylon and classic theme.
  • If you want to translate 1.0.x packages, you can also translate the .xml files located in the 'help' folder.
    Please translate only the '.xml' files!

I finished the translation, what's next?

Make sure that you've at least one package: An ANSI encoded or an UTF-8 encoded package. Compress the files including folders with Winzip, WinRAR or any other archiving program using the .zip format, normal compressing ratio and send the files to my email address.


How about that Translation team what Devs talked about? I asked that from Jeff, but he didnt answer. I think idea is good, we should have own hidden board where to talk about translation issues, guidelines etc. :) And mr B in charge of cource  :P  :D
Former Lead Support Specialist

Tarvitsetko apua SMF foorumisi kanssa? Otan työtehtäviä vastaan, lue:


Although I think a translation team would be too huge to handle, it does seem a good idea. I do sort of need to post the guildlines.


Quote from: Owdy on March 18, 2004, 01:02:53 PM
How about that Translation team what Devs talked about? I asked that from Jeff, but he didnt answer. I think idea is good, we should have own hidden board where to talk about translation issues, guidelines etc. :) And mr B in charge of cource  :P  :D
I second that
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)

Killer Possum

Oh you just want a hidden board so you can feel extra special :P ;D


Quote from: Killer Possum on March 18, 2004, 03:07:41 PM
Oh you just want a hidden board so you can feel extra special :P ;D
Sure sure....  :P And i want 10 stars!  ;D
Former Lead Support Specialist

Tarvitsetko apua SMF foorumisi kanssa? Otan työtehtäviä vastaan, lue:

Killer Possum


I'll do a Pig Latin language file.

Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


Luis "[darksteel]" Alvarado.
Spanish Support
¿Qué es el repair_settings?
No doy soporte por PM, publica tu duda en el foro y tendras respuestas mas rapidas.
My forum:


Sorry i'm speak english not well.
SMF Thailand. [nofollow] : Simple Machines Community Forum Thai Language Support.
RacingWeb.NET [nofollow] : The Thailand's First Racing cars Community on Web.


Quote from: <? Piranha($fx); ?> on March 18, 2004, 05:08:55 PM
I'll do a Pig Latin language file.
PM me Piranha and we'll get that one sorted out ;)

Quote from: darksteel on March 18, 2004, 05:17:46 PM
Spanish: Omar Bazavilvazo
I'm still yet to talk to Omar, I'll send him a PM later.

Quote from: Keng on March 18, 2004, 05:26:19 PM
Thai: Keng
Added. You also have a PM.


Luis "[darksteel]" Alvarado.
Spanish Support
¿Qué es el repair_settings?
No doy soporte por PM, publica tu duda en el foro y tendras respuestas mas rapidas.
My forum:


Can someone sticky this, please? :-[


How come Pig Latin isn't on that table anywhere?

Owhay omecay Igpay Atinlay sn'tiay noay hattay abletay nywhereay?



Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


Quote from: <? Piranha($fx); ?> on March 19, 2004, 12:57:05 PM
How come Pig Latin isn't on that table anywhere?

Owhay omecay Igpay Atinlay sn'tiay noay hattay abletay nywhereay?



Added :P



Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


Though I think an extra board or extra rights on a special download page where you can find newer files to download is recommendable.
That way you can translate all files in the offered langueages before the next release.


Quote from: bostasp on March 18, 2004, 12:10:58 PM

Portuguese ivogames

It's ivogomes ;)

The portuguese translation is 90% done. Only the Help file left to translate!!
SMF Portuguese Translator
SMF 2.0 (100% translated)

Peter Duggan

Quote from: ivogomes on March 20, 2004, 07:36:15 AM
The portuguese translation is 90% done. Only the Help file left to translate!!

So when you've done that you'll be able to start on the (radically) revised help files I'm working on now! ;)


So you mean that the current help file is going to be replaced? If so, should I translate this one or wait for the new one?
SMF Portuguese Translator
SMF 2.0 (100% translated)
